ICRS 2022

In April, 11 members of RJAH Orthopaedic hospital, inclusive of surgeons and researchers, attended the ICRS world congress conference in the bustling city of Berlin, Germany. The meeting offered an opportunity to listen to thought provoking talks varying from surgery techniques, current and emerging cell therapies, to industry talks and application of products. Armed with 7 talks and 8 posters between us, we showcased some of our outstanding research to members of the conference and were met with positive, encouraging responses. A very proud moment of the conference was witnessing one of the special members of our team, Professor Sally Roberts, achieving the lifetime recognition award. As well as Dr Timothy Hopkins awarded a poster prize for his research ‘initial development of a synovial joint on a chip model’. Alongside the conference, there were many social events and networking opportunities to get involved in, including a next generation ‘happy hour’, in which new scientists and experienced minds came together to gain new knowledge and partnerships. Whilst not forgetting to put a little time aside to explore the historical sights of Berlin.

List of abstracts (oral presentations):

List of abstracts (posters):

Special acknowledgement to Professor Sally Roberts who received a Lifetime recognition award, and to Dr Timothy Hopkins who received the poster award.

